Whether you’re a designer or an artist, you’ve probably entertained the idea of going to college or university to beef up your skillset and pursue your passion with a vengeance. With the huge costs in time, energy and finances; it’s a serious decision to make. In this article I’ll break down 5 hidden benefits of the art school experience. (more…)
There’s one genre of photomanipulation that we haven’t covered here yet at SurrealPSD, and that’s the Photoshop Abstract look. In this walkthrough, we’ll use illustrated and photographic elements to construct an elegant black and white composite. (more…)
I came across some photos illustrating pro-makeup techniques, where the features of the face are accentuated by tones and then smudged accordingly.. I thought this would transfer well to Photoshop, and after some experimentation it turns out this is a pretty swish processing technique. (more…)
Whether you’re a Digital Artist, Self-Pub Author or even a Record Label – there’s a handful of universal truths that can give you the edge in your marketing endeavours. (more…)
I’ve always admired the Digital Artists who could go beyond the medium, and create ‘real’ fine-art. The painterly, natural media look is awesome, and I’ve always been jealous of those that can do it well. In a new experiment, I set out to replicate these techniques – and in todays tutorial, I’ll be sharing my new process with you. (more…)
In macabre and horror, there’s nothing quite like those white, vacant dead eyes. I love this look, and would argue it’s my most frequently used horror effect in Photoshop. With this revised walkthrough, you can produce realistic, glossy white eyes in just a few simple steps. (more…)
Photomanipulation is a ferociously popular artform now, with hobbyists and professionals worldwide creating and innovating in a broad range of visual styles. To the newcomer, many of the terms may seem esoteric and foreign, so in this article we’ll break down the language used in the discussion and instruction of Photomanipulation art. (more…)
In this walkthrough we’ll be experimenting with a mixed media aesthetic, using vintage scans and various textures to create a Digital Collage in Photoshop. (more…)
Content Aware Fill, Spot Healing Brush – you name it.. there’s tonnes of snazzy ways to remove objects in Photoshop, and every tool has it’s uses. In this tutorial we look at three techniques for removing elements from a photo, including Content Aware Fill, the Patch Tool and Digital Painting techniques for trickier tasks. (more…)
Freelancing full-time is a great way make a living, and has many benefits that can’t be found in the traditional 9-5.. but it’s not without it’s perils. To sustain a ‘liveable’ income and beyond, repeat business is crucial for survival. (more…)
For the final installment of this years Terror Season, we have a grisly bloodshot eye effect, which is certain to add serious menace to any horror photomanipulation!! (more…)
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